Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Leaving -- the Adventures of Small Aggravations

One task I had to get done was get the new license tabs on my car.Once one is at the license bureau then that's just a 30 second task. My heart sagged when they handed me new license plates instead. I went out and looked at the rusted on screws. Oh sugar! Why now?!? After a couple of days, I decided I had left enough money at the car service center that I should get a favor. Sure enough! Come any time. So mission accomplished.

Then last Wednesday the cable started acting incorrectly. I had a service appointment scheduled for Satursday which Comcast cancelled without any explanation. I complained and found a wonderful woman named Barbara who said she would give me "seasonal service" while I was gone. The TV doesn't even act wrong this morning,but worse than that I think the cable is totally turned off. Hence I couldn't get to the Internet to the do the last minute grading for my online course. So now I'm at Caribou using their wireless service. Also I'm out of luck of simply listening to Minnesota Public Radio over the web -- I guess I should buy a radio! My last one moved out with a daughter and I've never bought one again since then.

I thought I'll get a couple more DVDs from the library to tide me over until I leave. Couldn't get into the parking lot because it is full of people watching a Little League game.

The plane can't leave soon enough.

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