Thursday, January 5, 2012

January Summer

In my December 6 blog entry I showed the snow covered bench on the nearby overlook for the Mississippi River and noted no one would be sitting on it very soon. Well was I wrong!
Here's  how the bench looked on January 2 and there is even less snow today, a day when the temperature is showing to be +8 (Celsius), 46 (Fahrenheit). The snow out the window looks as if it is March and spring has arrived.

Yesterday during a walk I thought the river really looked like a summer day.

The tiny bit of ice in a quiet place looked very scenic.
I liked how a nearby fence on some steps to a condo were glistening in the late afternoon sun. The glow comes from water, not ice.
Now why am I speaking about yesterday and a couple of days previously. Well, I came back feeling happy after a nice walk and cappuccino and found my laptop had blown up while I was gone. It appears the battery has died, but I think there is something wrong with the operating system too because it will not operate well using electrical power directly.

I tooled around on the Internet for a bit and found battery failure is quite common with the type of computer I had, I explored ordering one online, but decided instead to go shopping. So this blog entry comes from a brand new computer. Got home around 7 PM last evening and started the process of re-installing all the necessary software. Tomorrow I will tackle the old laptop to see if I can recover and move some necessary Word files. Life stays exciting -- but I'm very grateful that in the midst of this I wasn't dealing with snow and ice at the same time.

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