Sunday, April 26, 2015

A Springtacular Day

Every morning I receive a text provided by the meteorologists from Minnesota Public Radio about the weather for that day. This morning the title was a Springtacular Sunday.

My younger daughter had invited me as well as my older daughter to come out to her townhouse in Stillwater for a BBQ dinner. My granddaughter who lives with me was already out there along with her boyfriend because they went earlier and accompanied my daughter and her husband to church.

I picked up my older daughter and went first to Woodbury so that I exchange some purchases for clothing that I did not want. Then we continued on to Stillwater.

On the table was a fruit salad in a watermelon bowl and lettuce salad. They had been busy before we arrived because burgers, brats, and beef ribs had already been grilled. Chips and baked beans were added. Oh yum!!

Here are my two younger grandchildren.

My younger granddaughter with her big smile will be six at the end of May. My younger grandson will be two years old in mid-June.

Below is my older granddaughter with her boyfriend.

You can see the table is full of good food. And it was lovely to sit outdoors in the pleasant weather.

Last year at the this time we still had snow on the ground with more yet to arrive. I went to Poland last year for the May program walking out of winter and glad to see spring had arrived there. I'm leaving Thursday again for Poland and it seems we have the same weather this year -- spring in both places.

Later in the afternoon there was a walk up the street to a nearby park for a basketball game, but the pictures I took there are not good, full of sun glare.

But it surely was a Springtacular Sunday.

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