Sunday, March 13, 2016

What an Adventure?

I had an appointment to see my orthopedic physician on Friday, and about 90 minutes before the appointment I received a phone call that the appointment had to be changed because the doctor was going home sick. Now that is a first!

So instead I decided to do some clothing shopping. Then when done with that I went to a nearby Best Buy to see perhaps about getting a new computer. The one I have been using was developing a lot of problems. For example, I had it plugged in from 8 PM in the evening until noon the next day and when I went to use it I had 2% battery power. It was nagging in my mind not to spend money because tomorrow I have to go my tax preparation office and pick up my taxes and learn if I pay or get a refund. I am thinking it is on pay side and after also paying my granddaughter's car insurance bill it has been a month with a lot of unusual expenses.

But when I saw the difference between what I was using and what now is possible I simply couldn't resist. I decided to take some of the trauma out of getting a new computer by having the Geek Squad set up my new computer and then transfer files from my old computer to the new computer.

So I came home on Friday night and went searching in boxes in the closet for the disk with my printer driver and evidence that I really did own Microsoft Office. Not easy to find things after having moved twice since December 2013. But I did find things without too much difficulty.

Woke up at 5 AM and spent some time deleting Word files that I really didn't need and also copied two Powerpoint files that I truly needed to a thumb drive. Then around 10 AM I picked up the old computer and the software materials and headed out to Best Buy. After arriving it took only about 5 minutes to get everything arranged. Then I went to a nearby restaurant and enjoyed breakfast.

Back to the center of the city where I picked up my older daughter and took her for a hair cut. I had intended to take her for pie and coffee afterward but I was simply too tired. Came home and took a long nap. When I woke up I had a message the computer was already except they didn't know how to access my MSN account. I thought that funny because they had just sent me an e-mail message, So took off for the Geek Squad again and found the problem was that Office software couldn't be loaded without the password for that even though I had the access number for the software written down. I tried to enter a password, it didn't work, and reached my phone where I store passwords. Then I discovered I had left my phone at home. Nothing to do but go home to get it.

And then would  you believe, on the way home I got slowed down a bit by a load of hay spilled on the freeway. Also because this was Saturday evening there were plenty of blinking red and blue lights. The highway patrol was indeed busy.

Back to the Geek Squad and we quickly finished doing up everything. I came home with the new computer and got it attached to my wireless system. Now it is the sea of passwords that must be added back to all the sites I use.

Recently a friend wrote about upgrading his computer to Windows 10 and reported it took about two days to have everything working again. Well I think it would it have taken me way more than 2 days to do everything up and running. Two big things to yet accomplish -- adding the printer back to this computer and making Photoshop work. I had to get upgrade my version of Photoshop -- bought it from Amazon, downloaded it last night but can't install it without an Adobe password - which Adobe claims I have. And something that should be simple -- how to copy and paste in Windows 10.

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