Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Random Adventures

I've been more than a little busy these past few days. I got up on Saturday morning to find our team leader, Dorota, stunned. She had just learned that 5 volunteers, all from one family, were not coming as volunteer teachers for the language camp beginning that day. She asked if I would consider teaching there too. Thus I cancelled all the personal travel I had planned for the week of July 11, and have been doing double duty since Monday, July 7th. Also on that day my group increased from 6 to 11 students because 3 people on this team stayed for only one week. I teach in the morning, and then am transported about 25 minutes to the location of the 2nd camp and teach there in the afternoon.

I'll be moving there on Saturday when this camp ends and staying for one week. This location seems remote even though it is very busy with many, many tourists. After three days I've yet to find the post office and the bank-o-mat. The new hotel is pictured here with this entry.

On Sunday I went with this group of students to Krakow, but spent the day bumming around alone, doing things I've missed on other trips. One thing that intrigues is religious art. I read a thesis last year that the religious imagery changed in the early 15th century as a way to convince the common people that they were obligated to fight for the kings and other rulers. Poland has old, old, religious imagery. The photo is one that shows paradise, rather than Christ suffering-- the view that became more prominent.

Finally, a group of our present students goofing around. I told them I had been to Poland one, two, three, four, five, and now six times and they had created a new experience. They all cheered. These kids are absolutely the greatest. I'll surely be sad to part with them on Saturday!

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