Saturday, December 11, 2010

Snow Adventure

Is the above a black and white photo? No, but it's a very good representative of our black and white world today -- mostly white. The forecasts began yesterday for the worst snowstorm we have had since the infamous Halloween snow storm of 1991. All my extended family was up the hill last evening at Xcel Center enjoying Disney on Ice. They all got back to my younger daughter's apartment without any difficulty. I woke up at 3:30 AM and thought if this was a storm it didn't amount to what the forecast was. I went back to bed about 4 AM and when I awoke again at 10 AM the scene out my bedroom window was as if there was steam or clouds going by. The snow was so fine that it looked like a fog.

The Amtrak passenger train went by about 12:30 PM (it is supposed to go a few minutes after 8 AM). The engine and cars are a silver gray color and the train could hardly be seen through the snow in the air.

All day I've been watching cars getting stuck in the streets in front of the building. I'm wondering what part of "don't drive" people didn't understand.

I was fairly astonished to see we had mail delivery today, but felt so bad that someone struggled so much to deliver something that I moved from my mail box directly to the recycling box in the mail room. 

Well, the dig out begins tonight at 9 PM when the snow emergency kicks in. This is when I'm very glad to not only have a garage, but also to have an underground garage.

Update: About 7 PM I got an e-mail announcing that morning church services are canceled tomorrow.
Update #2 -- Official snowfall for Saint Paul from this storm is 15.2 inches. 

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