Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Seeds are for Optimists

Today I went to Highland Nursery to buy some vegetable seeds.

I went here many times for plants and garden supplies when I had my house, and it was good to be back again. But the picture above certainly shows it is not time to plant a garden in Minnesota.

These seeds, however, are going into my suitcase next week and will end up in Bolivia. The basic reason for this trip is to learn more about and to support the new Center for Ecological Agriculture that has recently been established by Mano a Mano. We all received a seed list for vegetables that would be very helpful for us to bring.

Here's what I ended up with after studying the racks at the nursery.

When I was paying for this purchase, the woman at the nursery said, "I read somewhere that people who plant seeds are optimists." Exactly!

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