Friday, May 29, 2009

New Life!

Yesterday morning I woke up a bit before 5 AM. Since my list of things to do is very long, I decided to get up and get going. I did some work in the basement sorting out clothing to send to the Good Will and winter clothing to pack and store away, hopefully for a move before those clothes are needed again.

I wandered off for breakfast about 10 AM and then went to work. During the afternoon I did all the interviews and other work to change the status for three valuable faculty from fixed term to permanent, tenure-track positions. This activity was one of the most important things I had to do this month. I finished up all the administrative tasks associated with this and headed home about 5:30. Not to my surprise, the idea to lay down and the couch led to a nap.

About 8:30 the phone started to ring, and when I caught up I found my daughter was ready to go to the hospital for the birth of my third grandchild. I grabbed my purse and flew out the door. I got to her home 20 minutes after the call, but when I got there, I found a neighbor had already driven her to the hospital.

To make a very long story short, my third grandchild, and second granddaughter arrived at 4:24 AM. She is a little princess. She weighed in at 6.5 pounds. Her little face is about the size of teacup right now. We haven't had a baby in our family this small for nearly 40 years!She seems to have a very mellow personality. Not much seems to upset her.

When everything seems to be settled and organized I came home to sleep, hitting the sheets a bit after 6 AM. It was certainly an interesting 25 hours.

Certainly pictures to come.

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