Friday, June 18, 2010

Setater Festival -- Second Participation

Last evening my agenda was to go the concert at 8 PM. I left my flat about 7:30 in order to get a good seat.

While walking over there I heard a familiar noise and this time figured out what it was. It is a very low flying private plane. In the states this would probably be a cause for alarm. Nobody here seemed concerned about it.

It kept going back and forth. It came be seen flying just a tree top height through the gauzy screen that forms the back of the stage on Dom Ter.

The Setater Festival doesn't have an English program so I'm figuring things out the best I can with my very rudimentary Hungarian skills. The announcement said clearly in English, but in the Hungarian brochure if you follow my logic, that the concert was the Police Band. The types of music they would play was also listed. Much to my surprise it really turned out to be the Police Band. They were all in uniform. With this many police around, obviously the plane was not considered to be a problem, because no one in Dom Ter could miss it!

The concert was very nice. Notice above the man in the front row has a jacket. I should have taken one. It is hard to believe that last week it was 40 degrees Celsius and that this week one needs a jacket in the evening. The weather is like Minnesota -- if you don't like it, just wait a minute.

This morning, alas, I went and arranged for my shuttle ride to the Budapest airport in mid-July. I really don't want to leave. Other than not being with family, I would be glad to stay here for several years. Pecs is wonderful place.

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