Sunday, March 20, 2011

Other Signs of Spring

My blog has been full of flood news, but there are other signs of spring and scenes that should be noted.

The snow melt this week has been quite tremendous. The temperatures have stayed above freezing at night, so when the sun returns each day, the snow continues to melt.

 Here are some landscape rocks emerging from snow banks. One almost forgets what is under the snow, and scenes like this are a surprise.

On Friday I had to make a trip to Normandale Community College. The people with whom I needed to work have a conference room with one of the best views in town.

This college setting includes a Japanese Garden. It looks particularly scenic on a sunny day.

Here are photos showing more detail from the Garden.

On Thursday my daughter gave me nearly a month's laundry from her family. She doesn't have any laundry services in the building in which she lives and I've been doing it for her, but this was quite a huge job -- 3 loads of jeans among other things!

They all came over on Saturday afternoon to pick it up (and even left more).  We took a short walk along the river.

It is easy to see that a lot of the snow has disappeared. This photo comes from an overlook along the river just beyond the high bridge. It's about a 5 minute walk from my apartment. My granddaughter certainly was not acting like herself. She stayed behind with me for a few hours and worked on the additional laundry while I went out for some errands. I finally found out she had not gotten home until midnight, after being out with friends to the movies, and then the little sister got everyone up at 7 AM and was a whirlwind of activity until she finally dropped off to sleep on the drive over. It's not easy being nearly 15 with a nearly 2 year old sister!

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