Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Adventures in Silliness

Today I had to be an event in a downtown hotel by around 7:15 AM. To avoid paying very expensive parking fees -- hey I saved taxpayer money because I could have been reimbursed for this -- I took the bus downtown.

As some of you know, I'm trying to get things organized to sell my house property. In doing so I found some problems with the title document which I'm beginning to resolve. I had one document that needed to be filed with the county, so I thought it was perfect to walk over to the courthouse after the event at the downtown hotel.

I get there and have to go through having my bag X-rayed and being wanded down too. All this before I could get to the Information Desk to ask where I needed to go. Only then do I find out that the office I need is now across the river in a different part of town. Now wouldn't it make sense to have the Information Desk before security, and save all the work of doing security procedures on people who don't even need to be there anyway?

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