Friday, October 21, 2011

Walking Along the River in Autumn

I took a walk along the Mississippi River right back of my apartment just about sunset. Interesting things are to be found.

One is pretty bush coming into bloom, shown here next to the native grasses. It is unusual to find pink blossoms in fall.

Here is a photo that shows the flower more closely.

We have had some very windy days and that has blown away a lot of leaves with some of the trees now looking like this.
Just how windy can be shown in the video below of the roses trying to hang on.

I heard a sound and turned to see some bike riders whiz by. It's a short video because they were truly flying!

 As I turned to walk back to my apartment the sun was now on my back. I noticed how long the shadows are this time of year.
This looks funny because the wind was blowing my coat open, thus the triangle shape.

Hope you all enjoy these views !

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