Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Signs of Poland

Back to Polish classes on Monday night. Walked in and was greeted with this poster.
It seemed so good to see this. I said I would be "homesick" had I not had plans already to go to Poland again this summer.

Beside the poster was this. After class one fellow student whispered to me, "What's this?" Good lesson to me that what seems normal to me is still strange and unknown to others.

Another question I could answer or rather affirm answers others are getting is that one can not fly directly from Minnesota to Warsaw. There are several ways to do it, but it takes at least two airplanes to make the trip. 

But oh my! Concentrating for the past few weeks on the family wedding knocked all the Polish out of my head. I knew the teacher was asked in Polish, "What is your first name?" But I surely couldn't remember how to answer the question. Back to studying.

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