Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

It seems like I spent two days cooking! Both my daughters and my three grandchildren were here for a late lunch. My two year old granddaughter showed up after church in a beautiful white dress. Her mom thought it best to take that off for eating!!! We got out one of my t-shirts. Then the kids decided they wanted to go to the nearby park. What could she wear now? No play clothes came along for the day. So I had to raid the gift cupboard where I had things put away for her May birthday. Yellow is now her favorite color and thankfully I had chosen a yellow dress without knowing it was her favorite color.

Here is my grandson trying to teach his little sister how to blow bubbles. Aunt Elena is supervising.

It was so nice to wake this morning and see some sunshine. That has been a rare scene this spring. And the road closures due to the flood go down tomorrow, but some remain that are connected with the construction of the light rail.

Four days until I leave for Central Europe! Hurrah!

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