Saturday, April 16, 2011

Misadventure--Chapter 2

I decided today that when one falls off the horse, the best thing to do is to get back on, so I made another trip to Target. I went to Customer Service to inquire about my wallet. One of the young women said, "What's  your name?" When I told her, she said she had paged me twice yesterday, but didn't do a good job because she didn't know how to pronounce my last name. She called Security and I got back my wallet minus the cash that was in it.

She said someone had found it on a shelf yesterday and turned it in. That means it was in the store somewhere for 24 hours before it was "found." I got back things such as my insurance cards and I don't have to buy a new wallet. However, my work ID card is missing, so that's a challenge for Monday. So a misadventure ended without too much misadventure.

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