Sunday, December 23, 2012

December Afternoon Walk

About 2:45 PM I set off on just a little walk to see what the level of the river is these days. I had read a report that the recent blizzard that roared across the country just south of the Twin Cities had added some very necessary moisture to our environment. We have had some moisture too since Thanksgiving, so I was curious.

The exhaust from the district heating plant was rising straight up, meaning there was really no wind. That was good, for while the temperature was 19 ( -7 C), it felt much colder. Last time for awhile that I will venture out without a hat!

Found what I'll again call a snow figure along the fence.

This one has a carrot -- a very frozen carrot -- for a nose.

The Wabasha Bridge was throwing interesting reflections into the river.

 Oh and the river -- Looking at a place where I often estimate the level, I think the river is up about 10 inches from the very lowest point this fall. That leaves it still 2-3 feet below low normal.

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