Sunday, June 7, 2009

Adventures through Motivation

Today on the Poland Our Future blog there is a You Tube video about Poland as a beautiful country. I'm leaving for Poland in 16 days, and this almost made me homesick! This gave me motivation to keep working on everything that has to get done first. I went to basement and started hauling out things I wanted to put into the bagster. These were big objects and it took a good deal of determination to get them up the stairs. I got out everything I want to dispose, but I could only get a 2 cubic yard bagster at the nearby hardware store, so there are still things sitting on the back patio waiting for the next bagster purchase. But it feels good to have most of it out of the house and now I can start to do the final cleaning of the basement.

This afternoon I got the wires taken down that used to support a very large grape vine in my side yard. The also took determination and problem solving. It's amazing what one can do to hooks on a post with a screw driver for leverage and hammer for power. The wires are now all residing in the bagster too, ready for the truck to come tomorrow and take away this much of the mess.

The grape vine must have been nearly 50 years old and didn't make it through the last winter. I couldn't get my clippers to cut through the dead, woody vines. Then all of a sudden I pulled and it all came right up out the ground. I pulled it over the corner of the yard that I use for informal composting of leaves and grass.

Now I have to get back to writing the last two modules for the new online course I'm creating. I can get one done yet this evening if I apply some of the same determination I've been using all day.

Oh, not to mention the cover fell off the N key on my computer and that took some determined attention today as well.

I'm thankful for the You Tube video motivation.

1 comment:

Joan and David Piekarczyk said...

Thanks Lori,
I'm happ you enjoyed the video of Poland on my blog and it motivated you.