Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another White Sunday

My flat in Pecs had two large doors that would open to a terrace overlooking a courtyard. In the evening I pulled a white, somewhat translucent shade for privacy. When I awoke I would open an eye and see what the pattern was on the shade. If the weather was good, the tree branches in the courtyard would make an interesting pattern of black against the white shade. However, if the whole view was white I knew another snow storm had appeared overnight. It seemed like every Sunday in February and March was a White Sunday. The weather made it really hard to get out and see the city and the nearby countryside. I would try to read to occupy time and manage usually to wander off to nearby Kiraly ut to get a meal and a cappuccino.

Well, one can have a White Sunday at home too. Today I was looking forward to taking my older granddaughter to a play. But the forecast was for a snow storm as bad as the 16 incher of December. Got in touch early enough that she wasn't waiting wondering where was Grandma.

Here's the view out the window:

 Not much to brag about!

I went down to the cyber cafe to see what the view was out towards the river.
The snow is covering up all the dirty snow from the past few weeks. The only color in the world comes from the building. Ah, the sun has to win one of these days.

Update: My university web site says the place is closed tomorrow! Hurrah! The snow isn't to stop until about 6 AM. It will be nice to just sit inside and watch things begin to get dug out.

Update 2:  All day we've been hearing "Don't drive unless absolutely necessary." A few minutes ago I heard a lot of motors roaring outside on the street. The street is not very passable and won't be plowed until some time tomorrow. Yet here are these people who must have something very necessary to do. We've not had snow like this for about the last ten years and there are many young adults who don't know much about driving in snow, and certainly can't do it in little cars.

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