Friday, February 18, 2011

"Missed" Adventure

For sometime now, my car has been acting funny when starting. People who ride with me always comment about that -- Some time means 18 months at least. When I returned home from Hungary, the battery was totally dead. This resulted from the drain on the battery from the clock! Can you believe it!?! My mechanic had advised me to take the battery cables off, but I left everything connected because my apartment management wanted to be able to move the car when the garage floor was cleaned.

Fixed that problem and "funny" starting stayed just the same -- that is until about two days ago. Then  when trying to start the car, it almost died out and all the lights on the dash went dead for a brief moment. Yesterday I called for an appointment to have the battery checked. Same kind of almost dead again this morning. Got there and explained the problem.

The service manager found me in a few minutes saying yes indeed it was a battery problem. When one arrives, one checks in and goes into a nearby waiting room. The car's hazard lights are put on until the car is pulled into a service bay. I found out later that by the time they tried to start the car, the hazard lights had ran down the battery and they had to jump the car to start and move it.

So I have a new battery, and didn't end up with any more of a consequence than some more money flying out of my bank account and no misadventure!

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