Friday, March 26, 2010

Arriving in Poland

My fellow Fulbrighter and I took the Eurocity train from Berlin to Poznan without any difficulties. We had a compartment to ourselves and the ride was both smooth and interesting. Certainly we traveled through historic territory that now seemed very quiet and peaceful. Lots of pine and birch trees. Poland certainly has many different geographic features. This area certainly looks much different from Zakopane and Krakow and then again much different from Siedlce and obviously much different from Torun.

David and Joan treated me to a nice coffee after arriving and then later we went to dinner at a lovely place in Poznan. I enjoyed the afternoon and evening very much in Poznan and looking forward to the sightseeing we are doing here for the next two days. Nice break after stimulating and busy work for the past two months and the over the top conference that I experience in Berlin.

One thing almost every Fulbrighter believes is that the experience allows one to get out of the narrow box that most of us are in during our regular teaching experiences. It is wonderful to learn and experience other disciplines.

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