Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Problem Solving Adventures

Today the land surveyor was able to do his work before the weather turned to a mixture of rain and snow. The office called with questions and materials are to be in the mail soon. Then I'll have to file the documents with the City of St. Paul to see if I can do the lot split.

I called my car service shop and found there was a cancellation for 1 PM today, so I surely took that. I'm $339 poorer, but that bill is much smaller than I anticipated after the heart-stopping moment of yesterday. They told me the fog lights don't work, but hey! when is the last time I've used those lights. I'm also to watch for a possible slow leak of transmission fluid.

As long as I was in this part of town, I decided to go take care of my taxes. Another problem solved. Indeed the refunds will take care of 50% of my fees for the Poland trip this summer.

While I was there I asked about how to manage tax filing next year if I get the Fulbright appointment. Easy! Just file for an extension and do the taxes when I come home in the summer. That was really good news.

Now just to get reschedule meeting my professional colleague that I missed seeing yesterday.

And unfortunately the picture to the right still looks like Minnesota. Hopefully spring will come soon.

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