Thursday, January 21, 2010

Surprise -- not Mundane --Round 2

Later in the morning I got a 2nd e-mail from the wife of the apartment owner, an e-mail also written in excellent English. I had inquired if I needed an Ethernet cable for my computer to connect to the wireless network and she replied back telling me no, I don't need that, they will give me a password for the connection. She also added they have a little girl who will "be keen to show off a few English words to me." They will be my next door neighbors and it will be fun to have a little child close by.

I went to Tobie's at Hinckley and met a professor and his wife who will also be in Pecs on a Fulbright appointment. They are definitely world travelers for they mentioned having been in Europe in many locations, western Asia,  South America, and Australia. It looked on the map as if our apartments in Pecs will be about a 5 minute walk apart. They will have a car and already said we may make some trips together. The professor has been going back and forth to this area for the past 18 years doing excavations. His speciality is 4th century Roman farms. He explained to me that this how the Roman culture survived after the fall of Rome, but little attention has been given to the agricultural life of Romans.

This whole experience will be so much fun, because I believe I will be introduced to learning such as this in a multi-disciplinary context. Some of my fellow Fulbrighters at other locations are in agricultural research and I'm anxious to learn about that as well.

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