Monday, April 12, 2010

Great Monday

This is probably the best Monday I've had in rainy weather. I went to the office for an 8:45 class and found I'm no longer needed. That is not bad news! During the 9:45 class we all made presentations about our country. I chose to center on Hawaii, because one can't talk about the whole United States in a short time. The class has a student from Finland and she showed a video made by her and her friends about Finland. It was great. Now this class has been joined by students also from Portugal. They also had a video, but had to show the video on one of their laptops because the University laptop didn't have the right software to play it. Again it a great presentation. It is hard to believe that is work!

After class I was very hungry. I went to the Arkade because there were a few things I needed from the supermarket. I chose lunch from the Asia Buffet. The picture above is servings that are to be the "kis adag," the small servings. It looked like a lot of food, but I did eat every bite.

When I got back to my flat I looked at my work e-mail. I learned that the University of Pecs had created a web page about our visit there last Friday. Please see for an article about the visit last Friday to the University of Pecs.

This evening I went to a concert called Shakesphere Music. This was presented by a group from England. The music was from the late 16th and early 17th century. During the intermission I found that Mark and Chen, fellow Fulbrighters were there too. Mark laughed and said "At last words we can understand."

What made this concert quite memorable is that the group came with a court jester. This is one of those things we've heard and read about, but have never seen in action. What fun!

Now you can see why I say it was a great rainy Monday!

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